Ideas That Matter aims to stimulate public discourse and public debate around issues relevant to cities and the values of diversity, community and public good.
The Jane Jacobs Prize
Inspired by the wide-ranging ideas and principles of Jane Jacobs, the American-Canadian author and urban activist, the prize celebrates leaders who share our vision of strong and thriving cities.
The Jane Jacobs Prize is now managed by Spacing magazine.
Visit the Jane Jacobs Prize Winners page to read short biographies of all winners from 1999 to 2017.
About Ideas That Matter
Ideas That Matter, a Canadian organization funded by Avana Capital Corporation, publishes thought pieces and organizes a range of public events to stimulate debate. We also support organizations and leaders who shared our vision of strong and thriving urban communities. We are particularly interested in issues relevant to cities and the values of diversity, community and the public good. Founded in 1997, the work of Ideas That Matter is inspired by the wide-ranging ideas and principles of Jane Jacobs, the American-Canadian author and activist best known for her influence on urban studies and her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities.
Currently our work is amplified by one project supported by Ideas That Matter and funded through Avana and Maytree: The Institute on Municipal Finance & Governance (IMFG) focuses on the fiscal health and governance challenges facing large cities and city-regions.
Founder: Alan Broadbent
Project Coordinator: Sarah Craig
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1600
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1M2
Phone: (416) 944-1101
Email: info[at]maytree.com